Swift 4 2 Dimensional Array

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Note that matrices can be initialized from 2-dimensional array literals, and that each inner-array represents a row in the constructed Matrix. While a Matrix can be parameterized by any type, it is most useful if it is parameterized by some numeric type since it gains tons of special abilities! I am trying to create and iterate through a two dimensional array. How to create Swift empty two dimensional array with size. How to insert values into a multidimensional array in a loop swift. Swift version of Matlab's vector find?

Multi-dimensional arrays

For single-dimensional arrays, Swift by Example is an excellent document (although read ‘count' where you see ‘endindex'). For multi-dimensional arrays, I couldn't find anything of substance. As a learning experience, I created my own exposé on multi-dimensional arrays…

An analogy is to think of a typical bookcase with shelves, each holding a different number of books.

Consider the first shelf with Shakespeare books King Lear, Macbeth and Hamlet, the second shelf with children's books The Cat in the Hat, and Winnie-the-Pooh, and the third shelf containing the classics To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind, Animal Farm, and Wuthering Heights. Lensflares 1 0.

We could declare and initialise the array with:

The first shelf/row has 3 items, the second shelf/row has 2 items, and the third shelf has 5 items. bookcase[0] refers to the first row of Shakespeare books, and is a single-dimensional array. bookcase[1] is likewise a single-dimensional array and refers to the children's books.

1blocker 1 4 1. To add another Shakespearian book, we could use:

Notice that we are adding a single-dimensional array to a single-dimensional array. There are now four Shakespearian books on the shelf/in the first row of the array. bookcase[0] now equals ['King Lear','Macbeth','Hamlet','The Tempest'], and is a one-dimensional array. bookcase is a two-dimensional array, with bookcase[0] being it's first row.


I try to do smth like this:

where [5,5] is size of array.
I can't do this.


If you want to make a multidimensional array of value types (i.e. Ints, Strings, structs), the syntax in codester's answer works great:

If you make a multidimensional array of reference types (i.e. classes), this gets you an array of many references to the same object:

If you want to make an array (uni- or multidimensional) of reference types, you might be better off either making the array dynamically:

(See slazyk's answer for equivalent shorter syntax using map().)

Or making an array of optionals and filling in their values:


Creating 5×5 array filled with distinct objects of the same class.
Maybe not the prettiest solution, but a working one, and avoiding the for loops:

Since the question was actually to create 'empty' array with ‘size', I'd have to add that you cannot have it 'empty' if it is not of an optional type. But if that is what you want, you can also do it as rickster suggests at the bottom of his answer and just create 5×5 array of nil.


C++ 2 Dimensional Array

To add to the accepted answer, in Swift 3, the syntax is slightly different:

Note the order of arguments and repeating instead of repeatedValue.


You can do this by following code it will intialize the two dimensional array with same default value which in this case is same instance of MyClass object and this is not that great.In case you need different objects you need to make for-loop to intialize the objects.But in case for same instance the following code will work.This code is better for primitive type like Int or structsString but not for Classes.But in case i am showing the syntax for two dimensional array intialization

better would be to use primitive data types and stuct

Swift 2 Dimensional Array Append

It will fill the array with two dimentional MyClass objects.As default value is needed in Swift if you are providing size.
From Swift programming guide

'Swift's Array type also provides an initializer for creating an array
of a certain size with all of its values set to a provided default
value. You pass this initializer the number of items to be added to
the new array (called count) and a default value of the appropriate
type '

As of now i do not know any way to just intialize its memory but not to fill the array in Swift of certain size.Above code will fill default MyClass objects of 5*5.

Two dimensional array

For two dimensional array with different dimension of each component (not square matrix) you may write

4 Dimensional Array Python

Tags: swift

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